pre-order COUGH CLEAR 500ml - Greyhound Extreme papildas

Regular price €30,00

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Sukurtas greihaundams, tačiau tinkantis ir kitiems šunims natūralus žolelių papildas.

Cough Clear is a specially formulated herbal tincture that targets the respiratory system of the greyhound.

This product can be administrated during and after kennel cough, to help soothe and aid recovery.

During racing, dogs can also be prone to stress cough. Administrating Cough Clear will help reduce and neutralise any issues within the respiratory system.

Our unique formula of specific herbs are aimed at supporting and easing the respiratory system, they will help clear the mucas membranes of the lungs and soothe any inflammation.

Cough Clear's formula will help to keep the airways in optimal performance while supporting their nutritional needs.

Contains: Mulien, Liquorice, Marshmallow, Elderberry

Our bottles are fully recyclable